Open Educational Resources (OER) is a term that was first adopted by UNESCO to describe “digitized materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and re-use for teaching, learning and research”. This program will expose participants to the history, definition, concepts and principles of OER and its relation to Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). It will also examine the opportunities OER and MOOCs bring to higher education and some of the good practices for using them in HE; in addition key challenges and issues related to their use them will be covered.
Participants will also learn about different strategies for locating high-quality, free content that can be effectively integrated in teaching and learning. They will explore repositories such as OERCommons and/ or Merlot which are designed to target searches and organize resources and to offer a great place for faculty to share the learning objects and course materials they have created.
Issues related to OER including quality assurance, licensing, and use, creative commons among other topics will be discussed in details.

Target Audience
This program may of relevance to faculty members and teaching staff wanting to integrate open educations resources within their respective courses as well as librarians, administrators, education technology specialists and managers and staff working within teaching and learning centers in universities and colleges