This program program is geared to help higher education institutions move towards the path of total educational excellence. Regardless of whether an institution has implemented total quality management, lean or six-sigma; this program will be extremely beneficial to them as it integrate the philosophies and tools of these powerful techniques, tools, and systems into one integrated system.

The Total Educational Excellence program is divided into two main sections. In the Process Mapping and Improvement portion of this program, participants will develop a high level value map of the student life cycle for their institution. The student life cycle mapping covers processes such as, marketing, recruitment, applications, admissions, orientation, student life (education, activities, and housing), schedule planning (faculty, staff, degree and class schedules), completion, graduation, placement and alumni support. A macro map is developed during the program, and used to identify Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics and significant opportunities for improvement. Effectiveness, efficiencies, and impact to the bottom-line are examined for each major process or area. The Achieving and Sustaining Excellence portion of this program covers methods, tools, and techniques to drive continuous improvements in educational institutions. Communication and display methods used to align goals and objectives, monitor performance indicators, and identify clear and common priorities for improvement are examined

Target Audience :

Higher Education Senior administrators including Vice Presidents/ Chancellors, Deans, Heads of Departments, Registrars and Directors of Students’ Services and Effectiveness Offices as well as other leaders in higher education who are responsible for setting strategic goals; and for designing and implementing appropriate measures for achieving and monitoring these goals.