Dr. Pat Whitely

Dr. Pat Whitely is in her 24th year as Vice President for Student Affairs and 39th year at UM. Her first UM position was actually as the RC of Stanford Residential College, so she is prominently featured in our Stanford stories.

Dr. Whitely not only has had a distinguished career at UM but also has served as chair of NASPA, the leading professional organization for student affairs practitioners. Dr. Whitely also serves as a member of the executive board of the National Catholic Campus Ministry Association.

While she has received numerous awards, she has also been awarded the Mc Lamore Award for Service from the UM faculty, the NASPA Scott Goodnight Award, and the NASPA Fred Turner Award, which recognizes exceptional work from Vice Presidents for Student Affairs across the country.

Last November, Dr. Whitely was honored by the Miami Plaza Network as a Woman of Distinction for her service to our community.